Maria Beatriz Mendoza, PhD
English for Academic Purposes
2019 Graduate Teaching Award Recipient
Maria Beatriz completed her Doctorate in Multicultural/Multilingual Education at FSU in 2004 and has been the International Teaching Assistant Coordinator for Florida State University and CIES since 2005. A recipient of the FSU Fordyce Award for Outstanding Teaching, Maria Beatriz taught English as a Foreign Language in Venezuela for 3 years and then at CIES for 6 more years. Maria Beatriz is an expert in ESL writing and developed the CIES Composition book series. She is a native of Venezuela and speaks Spanish.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world” –Nelson Mandela
"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen, can change the world." --Malala Yousafzai

Jenny Grill, PhD
English for Academic Purposes
2020 Graduate Teaching Award Recipient
Jenny earned her doctorate in Adult Education at Florida State University in 2003; she holds master’s degrees in Adult Education and in Multilingual/Multicultural Education from FSU as well.
She started her career in EFL in 1991 in Switzerland where she taught English and learned German. She has been able to combine her interests in adult education and language learning through teaching university courses on adult learning, teacher education in English language learning (ELL), applied linguistics, and writing.
“...every journey, honestly undertaken, stands a chance of taking us toward the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need.” --Parker J. Palmer
EAP Faculty Publications and Presentations
Articles and Book Chapters
Mendoza, M. & Grill, J. (2020, June). Teaching tip: Self-evaluation activities for video-recorded ITA presentations. International Teaching Assistant Interest Section Newsletter, 1. Retrieved from http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolitais/issues/2020-06-15/6.html
Tapper, G., Drzazga, G., Mendoza, M., & Grill, J. (2018). Discourse- structuring devices revisited: Building on Tyler's early insights regarding international teaching assistant comprehensibility. In Lucy Pickering, & Vyvyan Frederick Evans (Eds.), Language Learning, Discourse and Cognition: Studies in the Tradition of Andrea Tyler (32 pages). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Mendoza, M. B., Platt, E. J., & Lucas, T. (2018). Analyzing Theories of Second Language Learning. (3rd. Ed). In Jane Govoni (Ed.), Preparing the Way: Teaching ELLs in the K-12 Classroom. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Grill, J., & Mendoza, M. (2016, July). Teaching tip: Self-evaluation activities for video-recorded ITA presentations. International Teaching Assistant Interest Section Newsletter, 1. Retrieved from http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolitais/issues/2016-06-22/5.html
Platt, E. J., Mendoza, M. B., & Lucas, T. (2014). Analyzing Theories of Second Language Learning. (2nd. Ed). In Jane Govoni (Ed.), Preparing the Way: Teaching ELLs in the K-12 Classroom. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Mendoza, M. B., & Grill, J. (2013, May). Turning ITAs into Discourse Experts. TESOL ITA-IS, N/A.
Grill, J. (2010). Whose English counts? Native speakers as English language learners. TESOL Journal 1(3), 358-367.
Platt, E., Mendoza, M., Tai, S., & Lucas, T. (2008). Perspectives on Learning/Teaching ESL: A Sociocultural View. In Govoni, J. (Ed.), Perspectives on Teaching K-12 English Language Learners. Boston, MA. Pearson Custom Publishing.
Platt, E., Harper, C., & Mendoza, M. (2003). Dueling Philosophies: Inclusion or Separation for Florida's English Language Learners? TESOL Quarterly, 37, 105-134.
Conference Presentations
Grill, J. C., & Mendoza, M. B. (presented, 2022, March). Discourse Analysis Activities for the ITA Classroom. Poster presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Grill, J.C. (presented 2021, June) One Course, Many Goals: Teaching a One-Size-Fits-All Academic Writing Course for International Graduate Students. Lightning Round Presentation at the Consortium on Graduate Communication, Online.
Grill, J. C., Mendoza, M. B., Stephenson, A., Kim, K., Ruhs, N. (presented 2020, September). Racism, Xenophobia, and the Pandemic: The Lived Experiences of International and Domestic Faculty and Staff. In L. Liseno (Chair), Symposium on Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching. Poster presentation at the meeting of DIRECTO, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Grill, J. C. & Mendoza, M. B. (presented 2020, February). Establishing Campus Partnerships that Enhance ITA Programs. In R. Oreto, D. Takaoglu, V. Sardegna (Chair), International Teaching Assistant Professionals Symposium. Presentation at the meeting of University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA.
Mendoza, M. B., Grill, J. C., Kim, K., Ruhs, N., & Stephenson, A. (presented 2019, September). Campus Partnerships to Cultivate Inclusion and Advance Academic Success of International Students. In L. Liseno (Chair), Symposium on Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching. Poster presentation at the meeting of DIRECTO, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Mendoza, M. B., & Grill, J. C. (presented 2019, September). The Experiences of International Graduate Students at FSU. In L. Liseno (Chair), Symposium on Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching. Presentation at the meeting of DIRECTO, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Grill, J., & Mendoza, M. (2019). Communicating STEM to Non-Experts: Discourse Activities for ITAs. Poster presentation to be given at TESOL International Convention, TESOL. (International)
Mendoza, M., & Grill, J. (2019). Empowering ITAs to Build Oral Communication Skills and Confidence. Poster presentation to be given at TESOL International Convention, TESOL. (International)
Grill, J., & Mendoza, M. (2018). The Fast and the Furious: Short Activities for ITAs. Poster presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Chicago, Illinois. (International)
Mendoza, M. & Liseno, L. (presented 2018, May). Bringing American and International Teaching Assistants together to Enhance the TA Training Experience. Presentation at International Perspectives on University Teaching and Learning Symposium, Auburn University, Orlando, FL. (International)
Grill, J., & Mendoza, M. (presented 2018, March). The Fast and the Furious: Short Activities for ITAs. Presentation at TESOL International Conference, TESOL, Chicago, IL. (International)
Mendoza, M., Tapper, G. & Grill, J. (2016). Beyond Borders: An Analysis of Teaching Assistant Rapport Building. Presentation at TESOL International Conference, TESOL, Baltimore, MD. (International)
Mendoza, M. B. & Grill, J., (2016). Using Self-Evaluation Exercises in ITA training courses. Poster presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Baltimore, MD. (International)
Mendoza, M., Grill, J., & Tapper, G. (2015). Exploring the perceptions and needs of ITAs from China. Presentation to be given at TESOL International Conference, TESOL, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (International)
Tapper, G., Mendoza, M., & Grill, J. (2015). Building Bridges Between International Teaching Assistants and Their Undergraduate Students. Presentation at TESOL International Conference, TESOL International, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (International)
Grill, J., & Mendoza, M. B. (2014). Fluency Activities for ITAs: Using Academic and Everyday Language. Poster presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Portland, OR. (International)
Mendoza, M. B., & Grill, J. (2013). Turning ITAs into Discourse Experts. Presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Dallas, TX. (International)
Mendoza, M. B., & Moulton, K. (2011). Getting Students to Focus on Grammar in Speaking. Presentation at TESOL International Convention, TESOL, Boston, MA. (International)